Speaking Engagements
SXSW 2020
Date TBD
Keith was selected as a speaker and mentor on personal development and career guidance
EMEA Emerging Markets Publishers Executive Summit
May 20, 2019
New York
Keith addressed Exchange Bidding and Open Bidding innovation and questions to small selection of c-suite EMEA Emerging Market publishers.
Google EMEA Think Partner 2018
December 6, 2018
Keith spoke on the future of Google’s Scaled Product Management (SPM) feature and how the Google partners using this feature contribute positively to the MarTech/AdTech ecosystem. He closed with a high level presentation of the future roadmap and an open mic for addressing audience questions.
Google’s Certified Publishing Partners (GCPP) Summit
November 11, 2018
New York
Keith presented the positive effects Exchange Bidding in Google Ad Manager can have on indirect advertising inventory yield to Google’s Certified Publishing Partners. He focus on the high level purpose of Exchange Bidding, the basic setup, and future direction of the product before closing with a Q&A.
Masters of Yield
October 26, 2018
Keith presented Exchange Bidding in Google Ad Manager to a highly technical audience of ad ops guests from all over the APAC region. He focused his presentation on tangible implementation and optimization techniques for managing indirect advertising inventory with Exchange Bidding. His presentation closed with the current product roadmap and an open mic for answering audience questions.
Google’s Certified Publishing Partners (GCPP) Summit
October 31, 2017
Keith presented Exchange Bidding in Google Ad Manager to Google’s Certified Publishing Partners a few months after the Open Beta announcement. He spoke on the recent innovations released in Exchange Bidding that drove the Open Beta before closing with the 2018 Product Roadmap, which would bring the product to GA. He left time at the end of his presentation to answer audience questions on an open mic.
F#%K Up Nights
October 27, 2017
New York
Every failure has a story. Every story has a lesson. NYC's most inspirational leaders share their epic f#%ups and the lessons learned. F#%up Nights is a 4 year global movement in 160 cities representing 60 countries globally. F#%kup Nights NYC has made its mission to indelibly alter the NYC startup community by making the conversation of failure (and the lessons learned) more comfortable and prevalent, changing entrepreneurs perspective on failure and demonstrating how it can be leveraged for success.
Keith shared three stories involving startups he was personally involved in, how they failed, and a key lesson he learned from them. Specifically:
1. The necessity of ensuring your business has a product or your product is actually a business
2. The importance of strong legal documentation (e.g. operating agreements) in case of a partner's departure, death or divorce, dubbed the three "D's" by Professor Mark Long
3. The reality of the passion and focus needed to pursue an entrepreneurial dream
Kelley Living Learning Center, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington
October 13-14, 2016
Keith was the keynote speaker at the Kelley Living Learning Center on Thursday, 10/13 covering topics including lifestyle management, planning for success, personal branding, maximizing luck, networking tips, hacking travel, and working at Google/YouTube.
The following day he led a 5 hour workshop focusing on Kelley students' individualized needs both personally and professionally.
World Merit's Merit 360 - Wanderbrief Accelerator
November 1-4, 2016
Keith Weisberg presented to 360 change-makers from 85 different countries gathered to take on the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the importance of using quantifiable analytics in measuring success. The delegates then collaborated together using techniques and strategies advised by Weisberg in a hour long workshop. Weisberg then mentored SDG groups "Affordable and Clean Energy," "Decent Work and Economic Growth", "Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure," and "Partnerships For the Goals" over three days to prepare them to pitch to world leaders in the United Nations.
Each group then selected 1-3 people to pitch at the United Nations in New York, NY during the start of the General Assembly, where Keith had the pleasure of being in attendance to watch them shine!